"mx video player" is a one of the best Video Player, elegant with iPhone and iPad. With this video player you can play and watch videos from your iPhone and iPad."mx video player" has features that facilitate users can see videos and cut the most interesting /favourite videos parts from video files and save these small videos into gallery ." mx video player" is giving privilege to capture the favourite screen user wants to capture & save it into gallery. mx video player support most of the trending formats now a days into market.
User can play videos & audio files with "mx video player".
Support multiple formats of video files.
Supports HD playback
Smooth rewind ,volume control, brightness options available for users ease
Smooth brightness and volume control.
Swiping across screen to change the brightness.
Swiping across screen to change the volume.
Fullscreen and Smooth playback.
Change playback speed
Optimised for retina display.
Shuffle and repeat option available for users
Video cutter available to see favourite videos & save those are most favourite parts from videos into gallery.
Smooth options for forward and rewind option available.
Screen capture and save it into phone gallery.
Lock the screen for smooth watch.